
Go ahead- make a wish.....
Now let's get to work! Investing in your health requires patience, perseverance, discipline and a plan. I can't give you the patience or discipline but I can help formulate a working plan just for you! The premise of my approach is to help you tease out the underlying issues at the root of your health challenges. A thorough intake probing into the various systems of the body, along with a diet analysis, a list of supplements and/or medications, and any pertinent labs is where we start. We then begin to implement change. Yes change can be scary but change is the only constant in this world. Embracing it cultivates courage!
So what types of changes? Depending on your unique challenges it may include:
- diet challenge/elimination/ nutrition counseling
- shopping differently, reading labels
- supplements
- biomedical lab testing
- herbal remedies
- breath work/meditation
- exercise plan
- a close look at what drains you and what sings to you
There IS no better return on investment of your time, effort, and energy. Living your life with energy, clarity, creativity, stamina, and a deep connection to who you truly are paves the path to manifesting your potential We are all a work in progress. Let's progress!

Welcome to the HERB SHOP!
We Offer:
Organic Bulk Herbs
Teas, Gourmet Salts, Vinegar
Natural Path Farm's Own Honey!
Natural Skin Care -
Face Creams, Oils and Scrubs,
Tinctures, Elixirs, and More
Have a favorite herb combination? Nurturing Remedies create custom tinctures, teas, infused oils, and healing salves for your individual needs.
Nurturing Remedies uses organic, high-quality herbs grown on the Natural Path Farm or from reputable, ethical herb companies. We are mindful of the plants that are in danger of being overharvested and, when appropriate, use plants with similar actions.
You know those people who are so sure of who they are and what they want? Yeah- that was not me. At a crossroads in life, on a hiking trail on a crisp fall day in Vermont, and with the insight of my girlfriends, it hit me. I do love nutrition and natural health. Why don't I go back to school and become an RD...so I did.
But after working in hospitals,
(inpatient, outpatient, clinics) which all had many benefits it still didn't fit. The treatment for most was typically meds. Nutrition and natural healing felt underestimated and underutilized. There was a lack of effort in addressing underlying imbalances. I self-studied healing through various ancient vantage points like TCM (traditional chinese medicine), Ayurveda, and herbal medicine. This excited me but I needed more structure and enrolled at the Boston School of Herbal Studies where I completed an Internship and Advanced Training. The skills and knowledge I gained began to resonate and fit perfectly!
Meet Chrissy

I continued to work in more traditional positions (see resume) while I grew my passion and created Nurturing Remedies (and pay bills!). Now, my growing practice includes people and animals of all ages. I continue to expand my knowledge through trainings and workshops and my craft in creating herbal products. The philosophy of Functional medicine resonates with me and now I incorporate functional medicine testing in effort to uncover underlying issues creating discomfort for my clients. My clients are my most valuable teachers as they live and thrive outside any textbook or diagnosis! Their unique combination of biochemistry and their symptoms may create challenges but can also provide a great opportunity for self-understanding and healing.
Despite the many advances in science, the deep complexities of the body, mind, and spirit remain mysterious, likely by nature's design! But the fertile ground for discovering healing is limitless. Nutrition is an exciting area of study given the dependence of the body on quality nutrients!
It is my intention to help my clients find their own rhythm and balance!