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Wellness Consultations- What to Know
“To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”
— Buddha
Consultations can be in person, virtual or via phone
Many Insurances Accepted!
Please respect my time and, if cancelling, give 48 hours notice. If not I would appreciate 1 hour reimbursement of $100.
Feel Free to use the booking tab if desired. Upon contact you will receive an email greeting, a welcome letter, directions if needed, and a food diary form.
We will then begin our work! My comprehensive intake looks at your history, medications/supplements, diet recall analysis and covers the various systems of the body (digestive, respiratory, nervous...) to see if patterns of imbalance surface.
Tools we use- nutrition therapy, custom botanical formulas, aromatherapy, flower essences, nutrition supplements, lifestlye changes.
My Goal always is to work WITH you and develop realistic strategies that fit your life.
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